Cell Phone EMF Regulations are Very Out of Date – 8 Tips for Staying Safe
EMF (electromagnetic fields) describe how charged particles affect each other from a distance; it is present in 100% of electronic or electrical devices. EMF can best be thought of as three things: low frequency electric fields, low frequency magnetic fields, and high frequency electromagnetic radiation…
Native vs. Non-Native EMF: Not All EMFs Are the Same!
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are a part of our daily lives, generated by everything from natural sources like the Earth’s magnetic field to human-made devices such as cell phones and microwaves. However, not all EMFs are the same. There are critical distinctions for your health between…
What exactly is “low ELF”? Do High Tech Health saunas have “low ELF”?
ELF stands for “Extremely Low Frequency”. ELF refers to a range of frequencies that include the electric power grid’s frequency, which is 60 Hertz in the United States. See the wikipedia page for more detail. “ELF” is used to describe magnetic fields (as in “ELF…
Measuring Body Voltage (EMF) from Our TR-3 Sauna
What is “body voltage”? Body voltage is a measurement that many people concerned about EMF (electromagnetic fields) use to judge the electric field exposure that comes from using a product. It is measured by taking an AC volt meter, connecting the black (negative) test lead…